Growth Hormone Effects and Growth Hormone Deficiency: An Overview

Growth Hormone (also called HGH or GH) is referred to in medical science as the master hormone. It is very plentiful when we are young, but near the age of twenty-one our bodies begin to produce less of it. By the time we are forty nearly everyone is deficient in growth hormone, and at eighty our production has normally diminished at least 90-95%.

Hormones are chemical messengers, traveling through the blood stream and involved in all aspects of the body's activity—metabolism, growth, mood and sexual function to name a few. They also help to maintain health, regulate the vital organs, and promote healing and repair.

Growth Hormone Deficiency

Being the master hormone, growth hormone affects virtually all areas of the body—influencing the growth of cells, bones, muscles and organs. When deficient in growth hormone our symptoms include loss of muscle, decreased energy, an increase in fat, diminished sexual drive, a greater risk of cardiovascular disease and a lower life expectancy.

In other words, the symptoms we call aging.

Many hormones including DHEA and melatonin can hinder some of the effects of aging, but clinical studies show that growth hormone reaches far beyond any of these. Not only does growth hormone have the ability to prevent physical aging, it has been demonstrated that it can dramatically influence many of its symptoms.

Growth Hormone Effects

This is evident from studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine and other medical journals. They show that Growth Hormone may address these symptoms by:

  • Decreasing body fat and cellulite
  • Restoring bone and muscle mass
  • Increasing strength
  • Improving skin texture and elasticity
  • Increasing sexual function
  • Reducing wrinkles
  • Restoring lost hair, and hair color
  • Increasing energy and stamina
  • Improving sleep
  • Elevating mood
  • Improving memory
  • Increasing cardiac output
  • Reducing soreness and pain
  • Normalizing blood pressure
  • Improving cholesterol profile
  • Improving immune function
  • Restoring size of organs that shrink with age
  • And much more...

Again, these possible effects of growth hormone are based on the results of clinical studies using injectable growth hormone. And given the uniqueness of each human being, in no way can it be said that a given individual will experience any of these.